5 tips to get your incontinence under control

5 Tips to Get Your Incontinence Under Control
Most men experience a few drips after urination, and this is normal. If you are frequently leaking larger amounts of urine to the point where it shows through clothing or causes irritation to the skin, it is time to see a doctor for evaluation. In the meantime, the following five tips can help you get incontinence under control.
Lose Excess Weight

During the aging process, your bladder muscles can become weaker, which can lead to incontinence. Carrying extra weight can make the condition worse, especially if you drink alcohol, smoke or have diabetes. Adopting a daily exercise routine and making dietary adjustments will help you shed the pounds and gain better control of your bladder.
Have Your Prostate Checked
Another issue that develops in older males is an enlarged prostate. The gland swells and partially blocks the urethra, causing leakage and difficulty starting a stream. If you have your prostate removed due to cancer, you could experience a weakened pelvis and nerves, which causes incontinence. Avoiding certain over-the-counter medications, such as decongestants, can reduce your prostate size and lessen your symptoms.
Watch Your Fluid Intake
When you have a stressed bladder, being mindful of what you are drinking will help you control incontinence. Alcohol must be avoided because it causes the body to make excess urine. Caffeinated beverages and those that contain carbonation are irritating as well. Simply drink water when you feel thirsty and do not worry about meeting a daily quota. Your body will let you know when you have had enough.
Do Kegels
Kegels are exercises that strengthen the muscles controlling urination and involve hold them tight, then relaxing. You should start with sets of 10 slow and 10 fast contractions and increase from there. Performing Kegels daily for one month before having prostate surgery decreases incontinence afterward. Kegels may also help you hold more urine and visit the bathroom less often.
Consider Targeted Medications

If lifestyle changes and exercises do not ease incontinence symptoms, ask your doctor about special medications that can shrink the prostate gland or ease the spasms of an overactive bladder. If your condition is neurological, certain antidepressants may be helpful for long-term control.
Incontinence is a reality for many older men, but it does not have to run your life. Following the tips above and getting regular checkups will help you stay comfortable and be healthier.